Sorry, for being a long time away from this forum. The free "Great Pumpkin" theme was our way to say "Thank you" to the developers and the community of osTicket for the version 1.9.12 and 1.9.13. In our opinion Open Source and GNU/GPL projects can only stay alive, if the community is willing to give something back. That's the reason, why we did this.We get a lot of positive feedback for the free theme and were completely surprised of the number of downloads. Til today the theme was downloaded over 5700 times. We gave free support for the theme since October 2015 in more than 600 cases.By releasing the first previews of our fully responsive version with usability improvements, the positive feedback was enormous. For going on with the development, we asked the community and downloaders to support us by making a donation or dropping a preorder. The proportion of persons, willing to do this, was less than 0,2% as the number of downloads.This experience was sobering, so we decided to concentrate us on other projects. These are done now and we decided to give osTicket fully responsive a second chance, because we really like osTicket. Last Monday we restarted the work.As a result of this work, we will release on 20th of december an update of Great Pumpkin, the free theme, for osTicket 1.9.15. with additional 10 color presets. Happy Xmas!A fully responsive theme (frontend and backend) for osTicket 1.9.15 will be released on February 1st for 29,- $. Preorders are possible for 19,- $ til December 31th. Send me a request and you will get more infos and instructions back.We will start limited public testing on January 2nd and need some testers. The number of testers is limited to 10 user and 10 staff accounts, therefore your registration will be recorded in the order of receipt. Send me a mail with the subject "osTicket 1.9.15 RC Responsive Theme Public Test" to All testers will get a free copy of the theme and an individual startpage design according to their needs. Best regards, Jürgen